
  • Future in Perspective Limited (Ireland) – coordinator
  • Jugend-& Kulturprojekt EV (Germany)
  • Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion (France)
  • AKLUB Centrum Vzdelavani A Poradenstvi (Czech Republic)

Welcoming our partners in Paris for the kick-off meeting.

There is ample evidence that young people around the world are facing the challenge of climate change. The global protests in September 2019 were largely organised and led by young people demanding action. However, protest alone is not enough to tackle the climate change challenge. Action is needed at the individual and collective level to change people’s habits, adopt production and consumption patterns and find solutions to the climate change challenge we all face today.

Education has a key role to play if we want that youth protests are to be turned into action. Youth work in its many formal, informal and non-formal variations is the perfect starting point to challenge today’s youth to think about solutions to reduce the many pollutions that contribute to the pace of climate change.


  • Promote quality and innovation in youth work by strengthening the skills of youth professionals to address climate change issues in their formal, non-formal and informal learning activities.
  • Empower young people by developing their critical thinking skills, in particular with regard to climate change issues.
  • Promote entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship by presenting the climate change challenges facing our society as business opportunities.
  • Introduce challenge-based learning into youth work by modifying and transferring existing learning resources into the development of WebQuest.
  • Develop a collection of topic-based WebQuest that address a number of key issues in addressing the climate change challenge.

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