- Universidad De Sevilla (Spain) – coordinator
- Associazione Culturale SmartLab Europe (Italy)
- Benilde (Spain)
- Universita Degli Studi Gabriele D’annunzio Di Chieti-Pescara (Italy)
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)
- Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
- Uniwersytet Szczecinski (Poland)
- Ksiaznica Pomorska Im. Stanislawa Staszica W Szczecinie (Poland)
What is the project about?
The project partners will exchange good practices for the promotion and motivation of reading between researchers and educators in the partner countries. The project partners will also carry out in-depth studies and training to support the target groups so that they can actively support the adult literacy process in the reference communities.
The project addresses two types of target groups:
– Group 1, composed of researchers, teachers, practitioners, educators, representatives of different organisations belonging to the networks of the partner countries, which will meet to compare, document and implement good practices for the promotion of reading and literacy. The members of this group come from the four associations and libraries operating in the territory and from the four universities involved (University of Seville in Spain, University of Szczecin in Poland, University of Thessaloniki in Greece and University of Chieti in Italy) where there are currently reading programmes for adults.
– Group 2 is composed of adults, heterogeneous in terms of gender, social and cultural background and belonging to the reference communities of the partnership, with low motivation to read and who will be involved in motivation, training and acquisition of specific skills in order to overcome the initial gap related to the fragility of literacy skills and to regain interest in reading and comprehension of texts, as fundamental skills to integrate consciously and effectively in the community. This will enable them to overcome social exclusion, racial discrimination and gender inequalities. In order to reach this second group, the following social partners will be involved: Solution (France), Ksiaznica Pomorska (Poland), the BENILDE association (Spain) and Associazione Smartlab Europe (Italy).
At the end of the first year of the project, a mapping of the existing “reading circles” and the most effective strategies for the promotion of reading in formal and informal settings active in the different contexts of the partnership will be carried out and shared at a transnational level.
During this first year, workshops and training sessions are planned for the first target group: the expected result is the enlargement of the repertoire of integrated tools for the promotion of reading at the disposal of the operators active in the territories.
In the second year, the two target groups should actively and cooperatively test the developed model and the identified good practices in order to strengthen reading skills and to permanently activate the social and cultural participatory processes of the involved actors, consolidating the existing networks in a transnational perspective.
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