– Università delle LiberEtà del FVG (Italy) – Coordinator
– Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
– Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
– Kainotomia (Greece)
– Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Ferrol (Spain)
– Modi’in Municipality (Israel)
The Covid-19 pandemic has made it difficult for people with limited computer skills to access online training. For their part, teachers had to adjust to this new mode of training.However, the development of distance education can contribute significantly to implementing broad structural measures, while spreading and increasing the general level of digital literacy. Thus, this is where the PANEL project operates, aiming to provide digital skills for teachers and adults to adapt to the online context.
This project aims to meet the needs of both teachers and learners, while turning challenges into opportunities for social development. It aims to:
– provide teachers with a set of suggestions and IT tools to overcome the difficulties encountered in the online learning environment
– improve training methods in the e-learning environment with regard to foreign language learning, art workshops, physical and mental well-being, Information and Communication Technologies
– motivate adults with limited computer skills to be more active in e-learning environments.
The partnership will develop the following results:
- PR1: Evaluation report of teacher and learner questionnaires and good practices concerning E-learning courses
- PR2: Preparation of pilot programmes
- PR3: Realisation of guidelines for trainers
Social media
To learn more about the PANEL project, do not hesitate to visit our Facebook page and our website!