Green sharing economy workshops in Montreuil!

You can become a food warrior by buying unsold food from restaurants and stores, you can cycle to work on a Lime bike and you can avoid throwing away your old clothes by selling your them on Vinted.

All this thanks to “green” sharing economy! This new form of economy includes economic activities that are based on the sharing or mutualization of goods, knowledge, services or spaces and on use rather than possession. It is a win-win model, because it allows you to make money while supporting environmental practices.  

SOLUTION addressed this issue in the framework of the BETSEE project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The association, together with 4 European partners, drafted a Green E-Manual collecting good practices in the field of sharing economy and also exploring solutions of environmental habits and production ways that can contrast pollution and excessive waste.

To share information and knowledge about “green” sharing economy, Solution organized a workshop in Montreuil where the participants learnt more about this type of economy and shared together a playful moment through quizzes and discussions.

Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion is a non profit association based in Paris. We participate in learning projects funded by the European Union to give everyone the opportunity to participate in international training courses and promote solidarity in Europe!


Address: 106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris
106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris