Learning English with interactive activity cards

Are you a language teacher? Have you ever run out of ideas for good activities to do with your students? The MEANING project proposes a solution to such problem by providing English teachers with ready-to-use activity cards including interactive activities for students to improve different language skills, from oral to written, from pronunciation to grammar.

Thanks this teaching resource, SOLUTION organised workshops for English teachers in Paris to collect their ideas about the MEANING cards and to show them how to use this tool.

Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion est une association à but non lucratif basée à Paris. Nous participons à des projets d'apprentissage financés par l'Union européenne pour donner à chacun l'opportunité de participer à des formations internationales et promouvoir la solidarité en Europe !


Adresse : 106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris
Email : info@associationsolution.org
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106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris
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