Intergenerational Dialogue for Europe Awareness
- Fuori dal Sommerso (Italy) – coordinator
- Varna University of Management (Bulgaria)
- Inter ALIA (Geece)
- Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion (France)
The main problem addressed by the IDEA project is the lack of dialogue and mutual understanding between older and younger generations. In contemporary society, the issue of the relationship between young and old is becoming increasingly important. Democratic societies are inclusive: ideally, all citizens should participate in the policy-making process.
However, in practice, some citizens participate more than others and some groups remain grossly under-represented. The lack of dialogue between these two groups leads to a lack of understanding of each other’s needs.
- Stimulate intergenerational dialogue and solidarity between generations and promote European values.
- Collect and disseminate best practices in the partnership countries on intergenerational dialogue in order to compare how young and old can interact to achieve mutual acceptance.
- 3 transnational meetings in Italy, Bulgaria and France
- A handbook on good practices in intergenerational dynamics in the 4 countries of the partnership
- Workshops promoting dialogue between young and old people in the partners’ countries based on the “Human Library” methodology, aiming at making the elderly understand the difficulties of today’s youth and vice versa
- Training for youth workers in Greece to learn how to implement the “Human Library” methodology
The partners have developed the following handbook to explore the relevant issues, barriers and pitfalls of intergenerational communication between young people and elderly people and, at the same time, identify best practices and positive experiences in Europe that foster intergenerational dialogue.
Human Library Methodology
The Human Library methodology is detailes in this document including all the steps to organize a Human Library event: