- Africa Europe Diaspora Connection, coordinator, Ireland
- Hellas for us, Greece
- SOLUTION : Solidarité & Inclusion, France
The project started the 1st of January 2024 and will end the 31st of December 2024 for a total duration of 12 months.
The project promotes inclusion for all, recognising the important contribution of migrants to the EU and addressing the barriers that can hinder participation and inclusion of people with a migrant background, from newcomers to citizens, in European society.
The concrete objectives of the project are:
1) Development and implementation of an easy-to-use diversity and inclusion toolkit that can be used by the youth organizations, Solutions Solidarity inclusion, Africa Europe Diaspora Connection and Hellas for Us in their projects.
2) Utilise the NYCI’s Access All Areas Diversity Toolkit, Council of Europe Manual toolkit in the youth programs by the consortium to foster the inclusion and integration of migrants and minority youth in the consortium’s projects.
3) Creation of an interconnected network of youth organizations in Ireland, France and Greece through collaborations,resource sharing and exchange of best practices on diversity and inclusion initiatives and programs.
4) Generation of new creative and innovative approaches to working with diverse and minority groups on themes of promoting equality and non-discrimination and capacitation of staff from participating organizations on developing and facilitating online and face-to-face training events that draw on diversity and inclusion experiences, strategies, expertise and creativity.
Through 3 mobilities activities, the project will achieve the following results:
1) Change in attitude and perceptions towards diversity and inclusion within the consortium and in Ireland, France and Greece because of the intervention.
2) Creation of a network of organizations that implement diversity and inclusion strategies in all elements and phases of their projects.
3) Development and implementation of diversity and inclusion strategies amongst the participating organizations and the results will trickle down to external youth organizations and local communities in Europe
Follow the project’s implementation though its Facebook page!