- Pro Arbeit – Kreis Offenbach (Germany) – coordinator
- PCX Computers & Information Systems (Cyprus)
- SOLUTION : Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
- Associazione N.E.T. (Italy)
- Asociación ACE (Aprende, Coopera y Emprende) (Spain)
- 36,6 Competence Centre (Poland)
Project description
The crisis of employment in Europe has highlighted the major role which adult learning can play in achieving the Europe 2020 goals,
by enabling adults to improve their ability to adapt to changes in the labour market and society.
Eurostat estimates that the EU-28 population aged 25-54 shows that in 2017 just over one third (35.4 %) of non-EU-born migrants
had successfully completed at most a lower secondary level of education. These results show a clear need for education, lifelong
learning and upskilling for adult migrants (Eurostat, 2018).
In this context, the GREEN ANGELS project builds capacities for self-entrepreneurship and promotes social inclusion of migrants in EU
countries by empowering them to enter the job market through newly acquired or updated competencies and skills. More precisely,
the project supports the re-skilling or up-skilling of migrants’ basic, transversal, green and entrepreneurial competencies through a
new upskilling pathway to build their capacities as Social entrepreneurs while fulfilling a double objective: to promote the
employability of migrants, and to meet the needs of their local communities.
Concretely, the GREEN ANGELS project will develop:
Thus, the main results will be:
- Training Curriculum and training materials: – Identification of soft, core and green skills in 5 main areas + a transversal one:
people care, house maintenance, landscaping as well as ICT Skills, Community Engagement and green and sustainable
materials/products. Drawing a common route on educating, motivating, orienting migrants, updating old skills or giving
them new ones in self-entrepreneurship following the principle of the community enterprise to act as “Green Angels” i.e.
people with important skills to provide help, assistance and services in those areas most needed by their communities. The
pathway will be in English and in all the languages of the partnership. - GREEN ANGELS Web portal: An interactive web portal for learning and promotion of services. It will contain a knowledge
hub, including the curriculum and learning materials in all the languages of the partnership. - GREEN ANGELS Service Hub: On the web portal local entrepreneurs can offer their services and provide contact details to
potential customers. This section will be the meeting point between entrepreneurs and customers.
Website and social media
To learn more about GREEN ANELS, please visit the project website et Facebook page.