Digital Native NEETs - Pathways to Skills Development


  • Aliance Lektoru A Konzultantu (Czech Republic) – coordinator
  • Skills Elevation (Germany)
  • Solution: Solidarity & Inclusion (France)
  • Acumen Training (Poland)
  • The Rural Hub (Ireland)
  • Synthesis (Cyprus)
  • ARPIS Asociacion Regional Para la Inclusion Social (Spain)
Meeting our partners in Paris.

Project description

In the wake of the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic that Europe is currently grappling with, any employment prospects that low-skilled young adults and NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) could potentially have enjoyed in the past years has been decimated. In their 2020 study, titled: “COVID-19 Crisis: How to Avoid a ‘Lost Generation’”, Bacher and Tamesberger, “estimate the consequences of the COVID-19 shutdown on youth unemployment in the European Union for the year 2020… [predicting that] youth unemployment will increase from 2.8 to 4.8 million.

Adult and community education can have a key role to play in mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the NEET target group. Through the HANGOUT project, partners will engage with NEETs in the categories of: long-term unemployed, family responsibilities, illness and disability and discouraged. The HANGOUT approach to re-engaging NEETs and marginalised young adults in education, to provide pathways to progression in economic and educational sectors, is a flexible approach that is not based in the classroom, and so fits perfectly within the sphere of non-formal adult and community education.

Through our planned programme for educators, what we hope to achieve is to build their digital competence so that they can engage NEETs remotely, overcoming some barriers to participation for NEETs in the Illness, Disability and Family Responsibilities sub-groups. By providing education programmes to NEETs through the technology platforms they are already active on, we aim to achieve improved access to quality education for NEETs in these categories, and to re-ignite their motivation to pursue further education or employment.

By supporting adult educators to develop their own TikTok video to promote the HANGOUT training – as part of the planned assessment in PR1 – CPD training for educators – we aim to develop the practical and technical skills of adult educators so that what we can achieve is the improved accessibility of adult education programmes and upskilling pathways, to hard-to-reach learners, like NEETs.

Website and social media

To learn more about HANG OUT, please visit the project website and Facebook page:

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