- Universidad de Malaga (Spain) – coordinator
- Sastamalan kaupunki (Finland)
- Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
- Future In Perspective Limited (Ireland)
- Università delle LiberEtà del Fvg (Italy)
What is SKILLS REC about?
The importance of recognizing skills acquired in non-formal contexts is widely proven. The role of skills development is therefore considered as one of the key drivers of economic growth, it contributes to performance and competitiveness of individuals possess. However, the process of recognition, validation and certification of competencies (RVCC) is not harmonized yet in the European countries and many educational centers struggle to find a valid and common framework.
SKILLS REC aims at proposing solutions to the above mentioned issues by elaborating a comprehensive model to allow the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies of previously acquired competences by adults throughout life in non-formal contexts.
In order to achieve its objectives, the project will develop the following resources:
– A Booklet including studies on users’ needs and a SOTA on the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies (RVCC);
– An innovative Manual proposing a Model for the recognition, validation and certification of adults’ non-formal skills;
– An Adult Learners’ Kit for the acquisition, identification and evaluation of older adults’ soft skills;
– An Online Platform collecting all the learning resources of the project and enabling e-learning through the above mentioned resources.
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