• Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Creuse (France) – coordinator
  • Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
  • KAINOTOMIA & SIA EE (Greece)
  • Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries (Greece)
  • Asociación Valencia Inno Hub (Spain)
  • Camara Oficial De Comercio E Industria De Badajoz (Spain)

The retail sector, the biggest employer in the EU, despite its advantages faces labor shortage. At the same time, PwD in Europe are considered a vulnerable group, facing employability, social exclusion, and poverty issues, especially those living in rural areas. However, their employment opportunities are limited due to employers’ reluctance to hire them.

Therefore, the MINDful project was created considering first the need for addressing inclusivity issues of workspaces and the labor market. Indeed, PwD are deprived of full access to work environments, while the labor market isn’t adjusted in a way that could help address challenges in PwD employment such as providing job positions and assistance while seeking jobs. So, the MINDful project intends to provide, particularly to retail employers, the knowledge needed to facilitate PwD hiring, conduct human resource development and workspace arrangements, and develop a PwD-friendly work environment.

Moreover, the MINDful project intends to utilize the high employment potential of the retail sector to address the employment need of PwD by preparing the retailers as employers to hire them and offer them inclusive workspaces and work environments. Finally, the MINDful project will provide a training program tailor-made for retailers in order to help close the existing employment gap, and employ PwD properly and in line with their needs.

The project will create 4 outcomes:

  • The MINDful Retail Inclusivity Report, a digital book containing the 3 national reports on the retail sector’s workspaces’ inclusivity for PwHVPD status, challenges, insights, & improvement suggestions
  • The MINDful training program, a set of modules on topics related to retail workspace inclusivity
  • The MINDful Storylines, a set of scenarios based on the MINDful training modules
  • The MINDful Space, a platform containing the above along with (self-)assessment questions and inspirational vidcast.

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