- InterAktion (Austria) – coordinator
- The Rural Hub (Ireland)
- Center for social innovation (Cyprus)
- Solution: Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
- Proportional Message (Portugal)
- Reintegra (Czech Republic)
- DRPDNM (Slovenia)
WOWSA (What’s on the Web Safe for All Family Members – A Family Learning Approach to Building Digital Literacy Competences) is a two-year project funded by the Erasmus+ programme that started on the 1st of September 2020.
WOWSA aims to explore the issues surrounding the use of digital and social media that influence relationships within the modern family unit. Most families in Europe today consist of :
- young ‘digital natives‘ who have grown up with technology embedded in their daily lives and accept without question its ubiquity, capacity and interconnectedness;
- parents and tutors who have joined the technological revolution by necessity rather than choice and who view its influence with concern and anxiety rather than optimistic enthusiasm.
If parents do not have the digital skills of their siblings, they have an important role to play in supporting the development of digital literacy and social media within their family unit.
In order to empower them and promote digital safety, WOWSA has developed the following learning resources:
- a set of tools to support parents in their role as primary educators of their children and senior family members;
- training materials for parents on the topic of digital and media literacy, so that they can improve their knowledge on this subject;
- thematic comics that present the promotion of digital and media literacy, for a young target group;
- a series of short explanatory videos, self-help resources, games and puzzles, all presented in an interactive digital magazine aimed at teenagers and young adults aged 13 to 20;
- a range of audio books on the language of digital and media literacy, misinformation, fake news, fact checking and more for senior adult learners and grandparents;
- a tailored in-service training programme for adult educators to support their engagement with the newly developed family learning resources.
All resources developed in the framework of the project are now available on the WOWSA e-learning platform in all the languages of the partners.
Website and social media
To learn more about WOWSA, please visit the project website and Facebook page:
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