Already 3 years!

Solution has reached its 3rd year of life in March 2022! We couldn’t miss this chance to celebrate this great event with all our volunteers, supporters and friends who contributed to make Solution grow over these 3 years.

So, on March the 5. we organized an event in Montreuil that gathered about 50 people. We presented our activities in France and in Europe and promoted our projects funded by the Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens and AMIF programmes.

It was also the occasion to play learning games and challenge the attendees with quizzes on environmental practices and circular economy, as well as to present innovative teaching methods for online learning.

The event was clearly a success and we will definitely repeat the experience!

Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion est une association à but non lucratif basée à Paris. Nous participons à des projets d'apprentissage financés par l'Union européenne pour donner à chacun l'opportunité de participer à des formations internationales et promouvoir la solidarité en Europe !


Adresse : 106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris
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Adresse :
106 rue du Chemin Vert, 75011, Paris
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