Youth for European Solidarity


  • Municipality of Miggiano (Italy) – coordinator
  • Solution : Solidarité & Inclusion (France)
  • Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa (Italy)
  • Junior Chamber International Prizren (Kosovo)
  • Municipality of Fyli (Greece)
  • Ungdomsfronten (Sweden)
  • Municipality of Suhindol (Bulgaria)
  • DG European Regional Funds (Spain)
  • IARS International Institute (United Kingdom)
  • Municipality of Trzemeszno (Poland)
  • CMF Fundão Municipality (Portugal)
  • Citizens of Europe (Germany)
  • Gemeinde Panketal (Germany)
  • Plunge district municipality administration (Lithuania)

Project description

YES – Youth for European Solidarity is a two-year project funded by the European programme Europe for Citizens, designed to create spaces for discussion on the meaning of solidarity in times of crisis in Europe, on the effectiveness of existing European policies and programmes that support solidarity projects and on the future of solidarity in European countries, using innovative tools to strengthen the European integration process.

The 15 partners from 13 different nations will involve around 500 direct participants and 55,000 indirect participants, through the organisation of international events on Europe Day, World Environment Day, Digital Learning Day, European Cooperation Day and World Fair Trade Day.

The objective of raising awareness of active citizenship for solidarity among Europeans will be achieved through a structured work plan that includes:

  • 4 international events, focusing on 5 types of citizenship (European, economic, ecological, digital and global), during which 26 young people (2 per country) will be trained to become “ESAs”, European Solidarity Animators, and to ensure the sustainability of the project and its long-term impact at EU level;
  • 2 local events, one for the initial promotion and selection of future ESAs and the other as a space for discussion on solidarity and experimentation of existing tools for participation in European democratic life, to be organised by the ESAs in their rural and suburban communities (community campaigns);
  • 2 tangible products: 1/ “ESA toolbox”, with the methodology of the 5 types of citizenship in support of solidarity initiatives in Europe, to be transmitted to other possible stakeholders, thus ensuring replicability; 2/ Final recommendation document “5 Citizenships, 1 Solidarity”, with a collection of all the ideas, suggestions, proposals that have arisen during the community campaigns and transmitted to the relevant policy makers and decision-makers at all levels, with the help of the Eurodesk offices, existing within the partnership.Resources

YES Toolkit for Solidarity Initiatives in Europe

YES Presentation Brochure

YES Recommendation Paper

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